Gold jewelry. You have it—lots of dealers want it. If you’ve got some unwanted gold items collecting dust in the bottom of your jewelry box, you might be thinking about trading them in for some extra cash. But selling your unwanted gold can be risky if it falls into the hands of shady gold buyers in Canada. To help save you a lot of heartache—and money—here are some handy tips on how to sell gold jewelry without getting ripped off.
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Diamond Jewelry Cleaning Tips
Your diamonds and jewelry are precious to you, both intrinsically and sentimentally. Caring and maintaining them should be as important as the care and maintenance you put into anything else you value and cherish, like a car or home, yet it’s a lot simpler and inexpensive.
Stamps, Marks, and Hallmarks
When we go to buy something, we tend to look for the information. Whether we’re buying a new cellphone or computer or an appliance or a car, we want to see the specifications written somewhere so we know who made it, where it was made, and, most importantly, what’s in it. Gold Stamps, Marks, and Hallmarks help us do that with Gold.
Making Synthetic Diamonds – High Pressure, High Temperature
Most coloured diamonds are made synthetically because the variables necessary to form a naturally coloured diamond are extremely rare, thus why they are the most expensive kind of diamonds.
Grading Diamonds: What You Need to Know
A famous Marilyn Monroe quote says “diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” Then there are some who will say that women are complicated. So does that mean diamonds are complicated too?
Sentimental Gold – Should I Keep it, or Sell It?
Just about everyone has possessions with personal or sentimental value beyond what the market might say they’re worth. When you really think about it, that’s basically how we assign value to everything; I place greater value on a cup of coffee than having a spare couple of bucks in my pocket, so I buy a coffee. The coffee shop would rather have my change than the capacity to produce one extra cup of coffee, the beauty of the free market ensues! But what about “sentimental gold”?